Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 that meetings of the Local Council for Beaufort West and the Standing Committees of the Council, will meet on the dates and times during January and February 2020 stipulated in the subjoined notice.
Last updated: 16/01/2020Ibhunga lemicimbi lwase Bhobhofolo, ngomhla we 29 Meyi 2018 lithathe isigqibo sokutshintsha ngokusesikwe isixeko sase Sidesaviwa ukuba sibe yi-Mandlenkosi, Ngokusebenzisa isicelo kwi-South African National Geographic Names Council.
Ngokwenjenje onke amalungu oluntu ayaziswa ukuba iintlanganiso ezahlukeneyo nabahlali ziyakubanjwa liBhunga malunga noku. Iinkcukacha ezipheleleyo malunga netlanganiso yoluntu ezicetywayo ziya kubhengezwa kwaye zisasazwe kumaphephandaba asekuhlaleni Kunye noluntu lwaziswe ekuhambheni kwexwsha
Die Plaaslike Raad vir Beaufort-Wes het formeel op 29 Mei 2018 ‘n besluit aanvaar om die dorpsgebied bekend as Sidesaviwa se naam formeel te laat verander na Kwa-Mandlenkosi deur middel van ‘n aansoek by die South African National Geographic Names Council.
Alle lede van die gemeenskap word hiermee ingelig dat verskeie vergaderings met die gemeenskap in bostaande verband deur die Raad gehou sal word. Volledige besonderhede rakende die beoogde gemeenskapsvergaderings sa mettertyd in die plaaslike pers en in die gemeenskap adverteer en versprei word.
The Beaufort West Local Council accepted a decision on 29 May 2018 to make the township known as Sidesaviwa’s name formal to Kwa-Mandlenkosi by application to the South African National Geographic Names Council.
All members of the Community are hereby informed that various meetings with the community will be held by the Council in this regard. Full details of the proposed community meetings will be advertised and disseminated in the local press and community over time.
Last updated: 16/01/2020On the 17 January 2020, the Local Council for Beaufort West responded by official notification No: 10/2020 informed the community in the local press of his intention to have the name of the village area known as Sidesaviwa formally changed to Kwa-Mandlenkosi.
Therefore, notice is given that meetings with the various role players and affected community will be held on the days and times stipulated in the subjoined notice, in order to consult with the respective role players and the community in this regard and to determine their views.
Last updated: 24/01/2020Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 58(1) of the Rules of Order regulating the conduct of meetings of the Council read together with Section 12(3)(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32/2000) that the Local Council of Beaufort West intends to accept the following by-law:-
By-Law on the Tariff Policy By-Law
The aforementioned draft by-law will be available for inspection from Mondays to Fridays from 07:30 to 13:00 and 13:45 to 16:15 at the offices of the under-mentioned:-
Opportunity is now being given to the public to forward any comments or proposals in writing with regard to this matter and such comments or proposals must reach the undersigned by not later than Monday, 16 March 2020.
In terms of Section 21(4) on the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 notice is hereby given that people that are not able to read and write can request any municipal official at any reception office of the Council at Beaufort West, Nelspoort, Merweville and Murraysburg to assist him or her in compiling his or her objection or comment in writing.
Last updated: 13/02/2020Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 58(1) of the Rules of Order regulating the conduct of meetings of the Council read together with Section 12(3)(b) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act 32/2000) that the Local Council of Beaufort West intends to accept the following by-law:-
Beaufort West Municipal Standard Zoning Scheme By-Law
The aforementioned draft by-law will be available for inspection from Mondays to Fridays from 07:30 to 13:00 and 13:45 to 16:15 at the offices of the under-mentioned:-
Opportunity is now being given to the public to forward any comments or proposals in writing with regard to this matter and such comments or proposals must reach the undersigned by not later than Monday, 16 March 2020.
In terms of Section 21(4) on the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 2000 notice is hereby given that people that are not able to read and write can request any municipal official at any reception office of the Council at Beaufort West, Nelspoort, Merweville and Murraysburg to assist him or her in compiling his or her objection or comment in writing.
Last updated: 16/03/2020Die Plaaslike Regering SETA het befondsing beskikbaar gemaak om opleiding aan belangstellendes aan te bied.
Aansoeke word ingewag vir die onderstaande opleidingsgeleenthede.
Die kursus duur ‘n periode van 12 maande en kwalifiseer slegs werkloses van 18 tot 35 jaar vir hierdie geleentheid.
Let daarop dat daar ‘n strokie by hierdie kursusse is.
Belangstellendes word versoek om hul CV’s , gesertifiseerde afskrifte van die hoogste kwalifikasie, identiteitsdokument en bewys van adres by die onderstaande adres in te dien.
Aansoeke sluit onmiddellik op 13 Maart 2020 om 12:00
Local Government SETA have make funding available to provide Training to intrested person(s).
Applications are awaited for the training opportunities below –
The Course will open for a period of 12 months and Qualify only unemployed people Age 18 to 35 years for this opportunity. Please note that there is a Stipend attached to these Courses.
Intrested people are requested to submit their CV’s , Certified copies of the Highest Qualification, Identity Document and Proof of address at the address below.
Applications closes promptly on 13 March 2020 at 12:00
Navrae en Aansoeke kan gerig word aan:
Enquiries and applications can be directed to:
Vaardigheidsbeampte // Skills Officer [SDF]
Mnr. // Mr. B.D. Hawker
Beaufort-Wes(t) Munisipaliteit // Municipality
Winkel Nr. // Shop No. 5 Sanlamgebou // Sanlam Building
Unie Street // Union Street
Tel. No. 023-414 8122
Faks // Fax No. 023-415 1373
E-pos // E-mail :
Last updated: 03/03/2020