Notice 47-2021: Proposed consent use: Farm 291, Tamboersfontein, Merweville
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 61 of the By-law on Municipal Land Use Planning for Beaufort West Municipality, Notice No. 21/2019 that the Authorized Official has in terms of Section 60 approved the application for a consent use on the Remainder of Farm 291, Tamboersfontein, Merweville in terms of Section 60 of the By-law on Municipal Land Use Planning for Beaufort West Municipality, 2019 as follows:
- That approval is granted for a consent use on the Remainder of Farm 291, Tamboersfontein, Merweville, Beaufort West Municipal area.
- That the approval shall be taken to cover only the consent use applied for and shall not be construed as to depart from any other Council requirement or legal provision.
- That the approval will lapse after 5 years from the date of approval.
- That the mined area be suitable rehabilitated in accordance with the environmental management plan approved by the National Department of Mineral Resources once mining activities ceases and/or the approval period of the mine lapses, whichever occurs first.
- That this approval does not imply or give exemption from any other permission or approval, which may be required by any other law or authority.
Last updated: 29/03/2021
Notice 44/2021: SCM 20/2021 - Publication of names of bidders in respect of advertised competitive bids above threshold of R 30,000 - Supply and delivery of COVID19 material and equipment
After the closure of any advertised competitive bid, municipalities must, further to information to be published in terms of Section 75 of the MFMA, publish on their websites and notice boards. The municipality should endeavour to publish the aforementioned information within ten (10) working days after closure of the bid and it must remain on the website of the municipality or municipal entity for at least thirty (30) days.
Last updated: 06/04/2021